a boise remodel - for realz

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Day Four of Front Yard Rehab: Time for some chillin'.

Remember...this is what the house looked like 4 days ago...

Day Three of Front Yard Rehab: We really started wrapping stuff up today...like putting in the deck.

And trimming off the lawn...

And planting a bunch of stuff along the front of the house (don't ask me what all that stuff is called - it's green and you have to water it, that all I know)

And Barkley managed to get a few zzzzs on the front yard.

All said and done, we moved 16 cubic yards of topsoil, laid 1000 sf of sod, dug out about 500 sf of sod and removed about 30 miles of roots - and that was just in the front yard. Mom also painted inside the kitchen cupboards - twice, and lined all of the shelves. Not to mention the curtains she hung and the deck dad built. They were both terrific and I'm really glad they came to visit. We got a hell of a lot done over the last four days and I'm looking forward to work tomorrow so I can get some rest.

Day Two of Front Yard Rehab: Trevor drove by and offered us sod at 5 cents a foot - a thousand feet later and we had a new lawn!!

We moved about 16 yards of soil and were able to get the beds in the yard and by the house.

Day One of Front Yard Rehab: Dad is tearin' up that sod. He's a real terror with a mattock!

Four months later and here's the house...not much has changed over the winter.