The dryer, after years and years outside, has finally found a new home indoors. The venting process was a piece of cake (thanks to Rick's brilliant idea).

Here's where the vent comes out from the basement.

Oh, and here's the windows in the front room. Nice, I like.
Yeah, he is pretty brilliant, he's hillarious too.
5:38 PM
NO, glenn did not say that. rick said that i (glenn) said that. he is pretty though. reallllll pretty. rick that is.
11:06 PM
All looks very niiice. New windows add so much personality--new eyes. As coach bell said, you're Howard Powered
2:33 AM
take a pic from the outside, please. thank you.
8:31 AM
Well, if it wasn't for glenn there wouldn't be any brilliant ideas. He gave me the idea for the vent. Thanks glenn, you are GREAT!!!!!
8:33 AM
Look's great. Smart ideas from smartypants. My eyes tell me that the desk along the far wall would be more attractive....and the dryer hidden on the right> Am I right...or am I rong?
5:31 PM
Who is this anonymous commenter. Too timid to let your comments be pegged to you?
And to set the record straight, Rick is brilliant.
Most of the good ideas I've ever had were actually his. I usually consult with him a few times a week to see what it is I should be doing. He is truly doing the Lord's work.
11:22 AM
Howz abouts some general update pics, perhaps a "walk-through" view of all the changes. You can do it, kiddo! (Before Sunday, please.)
6:03 PM
Oh, come come. Glenn, don't be so quick to give me all the credit. It is you that I learned all that I know. And now that I am a fancy pants engineer, well, I only have you, Glenn, oh great one, to thank. No praise to the Lord, all praise to Glenn, the second coming. (Get your head out of the toilet, Mom.)
4:26 PM
Anonymous suggested putting the desk along the other wall (swapping the dryer with the desk). I went back and forth on where to put the dryer and chose the current location for one main reason - I'm planning on putting a folding table with cupboards underneath to left of the dryer. This will give me about five feet of space. Putting the dryer on the other wall would have created a fair bit of discontinuity, although it would be a better spot for the dryer (less "in your face"). I'm also toying with putting in a utility sink right by the door - very handy. We'll see.
7:37 AM
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7:37 AM
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