Day 41: Something to sit on. Finally. I've been standing up for weeks. The couch moved in a couple of days ago. Like many new couches, the cushions are so damned springy they sort of bounce you right out of your seat. I'll have to have some really lazy people come over and break it in.

I continued working on the bathroom tonight. I managed to get the door cased out and the chair rail in.

I also managed to wrangle in the cabinet. This thing weighed a ton and crushed a few fingers during the process. Oh well, at least now I have somewhere to store all the spare bog role.

And finally, I dialed in a bit of baseboard. Almost done...
you can shut the door? now, i guess, people don't have to leave the house when you gotta drop a deuce....
8:57 AM
And you've got the tp holder up, I see. Nice work! What kind of fabric is that couch? I couldn't tell from the pic. Lookin' purdy as of late!
11:22 AM
When are those lazy people showing up?
8:59 PM
i don't think michael riddick is available. you might try barnie, the big purple dinosaur.
9:41 PM
Where's the latest update?
10:07 PM
I am to agree with anonymous. You are to be get of couch and make photograpfh in internet.
6:17 PM
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