a boise remodel - for realz

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Day 25: OK people. No pics today. It's been a lot of ticky tack BS for the past couple of days. For instance, a wall that's been mudded once doesn't look much different than a wall that's been mudded three times. It's all the same crap. Speaking of which, the crapper is fully functional - there have been confirmations.

The sink has been a real bottomer. I think the drain is clogged a bit at the wall which puts extra pressure on the normal p-trap system. I took a walk down the street and left a note for Trevor - hopefully he'll be able to sort it out proper.

The living room is getting rather close to being close to being almost sort of done. That's as commital as I'm going to get. The kitchen floor still needs a good strong back to pull out the remaining lino - that's shit work.

So the big goal of the weekend (like last weekend) is to get the johnny in ship-shape. There is a fair bit of stuff to do in there still, I've made a list and it's long. I can't jack with the window becuase i'm replacin' that suckha. I suppose I could dial in the baseboard and perhaps the lighting and paint the walls. Crap there's a ton to do. I'm looking forward to having Glenn here to help. He'd better bring his workin' clothes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like frustration, frustration. However, you do have your throne installed, so the King may rule. Looking forward to seeing a pic of you seated with your orb and sceptre. Love ya' Mom

9:53 AM


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