Day 22: The mud is flying. The tile in the bathroom is up and just waits grout. I estimated that grout would take about an hour, which means it will take about four. Anyway, the plumbing for the bath is all in, just a few final adjustments once the groutin' is done.

The master sweet. It looks VERY inviting. The smell of fresh paint is my new favorite.

The kitchen entry got its first coat of mud. Hopefully that'll get trimmed out next weekend. That would be niiiiiiice.

Blog Central: The internet is connected and mission control has moved from der Basement to the Master Sweet. That chair is comfy.
The fact that you sit in a camper chair at your computer is AWESOME!!! Looks like you have answered your wish to "fix" your own house instead of everytone else's. Be careful what you wish for. Also, I have ni idea why you would remove pink tile...have you gone Commi on us??? Love the brick outside..that's my fava-flav. Happy remodeling!!!
4:22 PM
Hi, my lovely...aaar! I love the bathroom and what you have done in the lounge...All of a sudden it looks like something that you could move into. I love the 2006 style desk and chair...ultra mod and the bed does look inviting..even without a frame. Why do you need all the extra furniture? Have a great night's work, and look forward to your blog tomorrow. Momma xxx
4:49 PM
Wow, you have got a lot done. Was the mud really flying in the bathroom? You should moonlight as a remodeler or would that be called daylighting in your world?
7:09 PM
Rockers of the world unite. Rock on you crazy mud horse. Lookin good! Cheers!!
8:42 PM
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